creativity, innovations, creative class, sustainable develop- ment, endogenous development, regional development, agglomerationAbstract
During the latest decades, regional creativity has often been consid-
ered as the precondition for innovativeness and sustainability. How-
ever, quantitative indicators of creativity are the subject of discussion.
The paper aims to analyse the patterns and causes of European re-
gional creativity distribution, revealing the influence of endogenous
determinants on regional innovative development. An empirical anal-
ysis of regional patenting activity and a selection of indicators of re-
gional creativity is conducted. Among the indicators, we include the
development of regional institutions that are assessed through the data
of the European Quality of Government Index. Besides the learning
ability of the region (indicators of higher education prevalence and
digital skills), the abundance of the creative class, regional innovative
infrastructure, and population agglomeration were taken into account.
The paper concludes concerning the most crucial factors contributing
to endogenous sustainability through the lenses of European regions.
In general, the formed model turned out to be significant with an ac-
ceptable level of standard error and a high predictive value. The influ-
ence of most of the parameters (except for the intelligence) was posi-
tive and significant. It is especially worth highlighting the parameters
of regional institutions’ quality and volumes of private research and
development expenditures, which exert the greatest positive influence
on the resulting variable.
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