
  • Ahmad Harasis College of Business Management, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan
  • Abdullah Helalat Hospitality and Tourism Management School, Alahliyya Amman University, Amman, Jordan
  • Jebril Alhelalat Department of Hotel Management, Petra College for Tourism and Archaeology, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan
  • Rowaida Aqrabawi Business Department, College of Business, Alahliyya Amman University, Amman, Jordan



Transformational Leadership, Green Innovation, Employee Performance, Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Hotel Industry


The main purpose of the existing study is to present the mediating influence of employee performance on the relationship between transformational leadership style and green innovation. This study conducted in the hotel sector in Amman, Jordan, where exploratory studies related to the hotel sector are limited. A total of 20 five-star hotels in Amman were involved in the research sampling process, targeted respondents were employees with titles below supervisor level (rankand-file) were those employees who provide the services and are in direct contact with customers, and a simple random sampling was utilized to gather the data, 359 employees participated in this study, and survey form was sent to heads of departments at the targeted hotels to help in the distribution process. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS software. The results showed a partially positive mediation of employee performance among both constructs of individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation of green innovation in the hotel sector. Moreover, these results proved the power of the relationship between employee performance and the adoption of green innovation. The current study contributes positively to the area of hospitality industry studies and its related activities. It provides better insights for hotel leaders on improving the adopted leadership styles, leading to outstanding employee performance, and green innovation to sustain market competitiveness and provide exceptional and innovative services for a better hospitality industry.


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