Green Technology Innovation, Green Knowledge Manage- ment, Business Intelligence, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development goals (SDGs), Jordan’s Entrepreneurial SectorAbstract
The study aimed to investigate the effect of business intelligence on
strategic entrepreneurship and the mediating role of green technology
innovation and the moderate role of green knowledge management
for sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the Jordanian entrepre-
neurial companies in King Hussein Business Park (KHBP). It was
used the descriptive analytical approach, for data collection purposes
the researcher uses a “random sample” consisting of (347) employees.
The method of data collection was by a questionnaire distributed to
the sample. The total returned questionnaires were (318) with a good
response rate of approximately (79.5%). In this research, was used
partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The
findings indicated there is: a positive and direct impact of business
intelligence on (strategic entrepreneurship, and green technology in-
novation), a positive and impact of the green technology innovation
on strategic entrepreneurship, and the green technology innovation
mediate a positive effect between business intelligence, and strategic
entrepreneurship and the green knowledge management moderates
the impact of business intelligence on strategic entrepreneurship. The
study findings emphasize the need to improve Business Intelligence
to promote sustainability by incorporating environmental criteria into
data analytics, allowing companies to make environmentally friendly
decisions, urges companies to integrate Green Technology Innovation
into their strategic plans by collaborating with technology providers
and research organizations. The research also emphasizes the need
for government initiatives that encourage the use of green technology
innovation and green knowledge management..
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