Transformational leadership, employee performance, work engagement, hospitality industry, leadership behavioursAbstract
This research investigates transformational leadership and how it
could improve employee performance through the mediation role
of work engagement in the hospitality industry. Having leadership
qualities is imperative in the hospitality industry, which has become
one of the largest global economic sectors. Since hospitality organi-
zations are working in a fast-changing environment, they should em-
brace leadership behaviors to maintain high-performing employees.
The data of this research was collected from rank-and file employees
working in Jordanian five-star hotels using an online questionnaire.
This led to gathering 293 questionnaire responses, that were cleansed
and qualified for analysis using the AMOS software. The results ob-
tained indicate that transformational leadership can direct employees
to adopt participatory and empowering behaviors to improve their
overall performance. The results also confirm that transformational
leaders can harness their skills to enhance overall organizational per-
formance through engaging employees in the vision of their jobs. The
research concludes by emphasizing transformational leadership and
work engagement as critical determinants of a competitive hospitality
service levels and quality. This practically helps managers within the
hospitality industry to improve their organizational productivity and
outcomes through developing tailored and sustainable strategies to
engage employees and enhance their overall performance.
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