Employee Engagement, CSR, Environmental Concern, Sustainability Practice, Market PerformanceAbstract
The study’s central theme is sustainability practice. It aims to mea-
sure the impact of sustainability practices on market performance.
The study is quantitative, and data was obtained through a structured
questionnaire using a five-point Likert scale. Different firms, such as
manufacturing, non-manufacturing, and service support, run the sur-
vey by sharing the data (n=200). Data were analysed through Smart
PLS version, employing a structural equation model (SEM)
technique to measure the impact of endogenous variables. All three
variables (Employee engagement in sustainability, corporate social
responsibility, and environmental concern) positively and significant-
ly impact sustainability practice. Thus, the study’s central finding is
that sustainability practice positively influences the market perfor-
mance of the firms, and the association is also significant. Compa-
nies that adopt sustainable practices can differentiate themselves in
the market, potentially improving their competitiveness. Companies
can exploit the notion that sustainability is a highly efficient technique
for stimulating growth. Integrating sustainable principles can lead to
long-lasting economic advantages. The novelty of this work is that
it considers sustainability practices to determine the impact on mar-
ket performance. Future work can be conducted on the specification
of market performance, such as sales growth, return on investment
(ROI), return on assets (ROA), and earnings per share (EPS).
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