Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
How long does it take from submission to publication?
If your article is accepted, it then takes an average of six to nine months before it is published.
What is the scope of ECONOMICS - Innovative and Economic Research Journal?
Theoretical, empirical and applicative articles from all the areas of Innovative Economics.
How do I submit my article?
Submit the article to the mail or login on our website
What is the criterion for an article to be accepted for publication in ECONOMICS - Innovative and Economic Research Journal?
The submitted article has not been published earlier and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The article needs to be written according to the guidelines for authors.
Which format do I use when submitting to ECONOMICS - Innovative and Economic Research Journal?
All files should be submitted as a Word document, A4 format, Franklin Gothic Book, font size 11 pt. Articles should be between 4000-5000 words in length (max. 32.000 characters with spaces). For long articles, compliance of editor-in-chief is required. Pictures, graphics and other attachments should be marked and sent as separate files, or in text, and must not exceed the journal format with margins. It is strongly recommended to send articles in the English language.
When will you contact me/respond to article submission?
We have a large number of submitted articles. We try to respond to submissions and inquiries as soon as possible. It should not take more than one week.
Does ECONOMICS - Innovative and Economic Research Journal have an impact factor? Is it indexed?
Yes. You can see the full Indexed list.